Effecting parenting begins with God. who is better to turn to for the foundational principles of parenting than author of life and founder of marriage and family?From the dawn of Human race, God's design has been for us raise up offspring to populate this planet.Producing and parenting this planet.Producing and parenting children are a Big part of the original mandate Humanity receieved from our creator(GENESIS 1:26-28)
1.To reproduce nature off parent in the child
2.To reproduce the character of parent in the child
3.To reproduce the Behaviour of the parent in the Child
Training is the simple answer to raise a righteous and Godly children, Parenting must be intentional.Training does not happen by default,it happens by implementation.Godly children do not turn out by accident;they are the product of the efforts of committed Godly Parents.
There is alot of information on parenting in the world today,Probably more than ever before.some of it is sound,but much of it is not,because it is based on philosophies and world views that are products of men's minds rather than the mind of God.(Pro 22:6) We could call it "Parent mandate" our basic job as parent is to teach our children to think right, live right.Sounds easy enoigh ,don,t you think?But right away we face a a couple of Big challenges.